Electronic B2B Exchange
NACS XML Data Interchange (NAXML)
NAXML is a technology standards project sponsored by the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) is developing XML DTDs and schemas to support electronic business document exchange within the convenience store industry. The NAXML standards is designed to "allow retailers, suppliers, and solution providers to seamlessly exchange financial settlement, ordering, invoicing, and accounting information.
NAXML POS/Back Office Guidelines
The POS/Back Office Guidelines document is the result of concerns expressed by the retail community related to the ability to pick back office solutions independently of POS solutions and have the two exchange data in an efficient electronic manner. This document is designed to offer Point-of-Sale and Back Office solution providers a starting point for discussion regarding the exchange of information between their systems. It provides a common framework, data dictionary, and data interchange mechanism for those common data elements that are likely to be exchanged between systems. The Guidelines recommend using the XML as a vendor-neutral data exchange medium.